About CustomCon
CustomCon is a fictional toy show showcasing the work of several
customizers. You will not find these toys in your local toy store. |

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Sasha Powell |
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HBO Series "Game of Thrones" – Group 5
Thanks to Sideshow Toys, Hot Toys, Kumik, Gentle Giant, and Moore Action Collectibles (MAC) for the parts.
After sculpting, I painted these busts with artists' acrylics and used some metallic pen for details, then sprayed them with matt sealant.
Young-Lord-of-Winterfell Bran Stark
I used a 1:6 scale custom Amanda Seyfried head (Kumik) and a small torso (Sideshow Toys), pinned to the base of a large Angel bust (MAC). I printed a House Stark sigil and glued it to the bust.
I altered his forehead, nose, and chin. I sculpted his shirt, jerkin, sleeves, and strap.

Stark-Retainer Osha
I used a 1:6 scale Harry Potter Tonks head (Gentle Giant) and a small torso (Sideshow Toys), pinned to the base of a large Angel bust (MAC). I printed a House Stark sigil and glued it to the bust.
I sculpted her hair, shirt, tabard, and straps.

Beyond-the-Wall Samwell Tarly
I used a 1:6 Sweeny Todd head (Hot Toys) pinned to the torso and base of a large Angel bust (MAC).
I reshaped his cheeks and nose. I sculpted his hair, beard, neck join, coat, fur cloak, and straps. I printed a House Tarly sigil and glued it to the bust.

Beyond-the-Wall Gilly Craster
I used a 1:6 scale Chloe Moretz head (custom-made by Kumik) and a female torso (Sideshow Toys), pinned to the base of a large Angel bust (MAC).
I altered her nose, lower lip, and chin. I sculpted her teeth, hair, top, and fur tabard. I printed a Free Folk sigil and glued it to the bust.
