CustomCon is a fictional toy show showcasing the work of
several customizers. You will not find these toys in your
local toy store.
Girls of Gotham
While the Batman believes he's the prime protector of Gotham,
these women would highly disagree with him. Spoiler, Huntress
and Oracle all believe in making Gotham safe for everyone,
some of them doing so by any means.
& Talia
Mulan figure with lots of sanding. Sculpey hair.
Wheelchair is made from foam and bicycle wheels
from a mini BMX bike, wire. Laptop is made from
the bottom of two pieces of Robin's sled and some
decals printed off the computer.
Animated Catwoman. Hair and boot cuffs made from
Sculpey. Belt from a rubberband, holster from a
piece of Creeper's backpiece. Gun is a repainted
Elisa Maza gun.
Black Cat with a Sculpey cast of a Poison Ivy head.
Belts made from rubberbands, holster and belt buckle
are pieces of cut plastic. Crossbow from Chewbacca.
& The Huntress
Harley Quinn, the headpiece is from a Terry McGinnis
figure. The cape and hood are made from fun foam.
Boot and glove cuffs, thigh piece are all sculpey,
belts are rubberbands.
-- basically just a repaint of Man-Bat. In "Terror
in the Sky", she wore those red pants and torn white
made from a Poison Ivy. She's got a Sculpey hat,
sanded down details and the tails from some Capcom
weird guy I picked up for the scary little vampire