Battlestar Galactica Series 6
From the critically-acclaimed re-imagined Battlestar Galactica comes the sixth assortment of action figures. This series includes the much-anticipated President Lee, Kara in duty blues from Season three, Sharon in duty blues from Season four, and Six from the Series finale "Daybreak." Standing over six inches tall with multiple points of articulation and key accessories from the hit sci-fi series, this is one assortment you don't want to miss!
President Lee
Kara in duty blues
Sharon in duty blues
Six from the Series finale "Daybreak."
"DST promises if these waves sell, then the next couple waves will include fan favorites Roslin and Baltar, among other memorable variants. One of these early prototypes was on display, but no photography was allowed. We managed to snap a picture of what looks to be a headless Kara from "Home" to go with the Sharon prisoner on display."