Star Wars: 1942
This summer Sillof will bring us a line that is a continuation
of the Star Wars: 1942 line that debuted in CustomCon 19 back
2008. That line was a collaboration between Glorbes and Sillof.
Star Wars: 1942 is a line of 6” custom figures that puts
Star Wars right in the middle of WWII. Sillof is tackling the
2nd line solo this time with new adaptations and also putting
his own spin on some of the previous characters. Some of the
characters have incorporated obvious elements of Glorbes designs
and other have Sillof's unique interpretations. The line emphasizes
the WWII elements of Star Wars and has the rebels as the side
of the Allied powers and the Empire as the side of the Axis
Battle Droid Mk. C3

As an early automated automaton designed as a smaller tank
operated on radio command signals for more close quarter combat
then a Sherman tank can offer. He features a desert tan color
scheme and replacement leg in battleship gray and features
a machine gun arm.
The color of the figure is reminiscent of C-3PO's color scheme,
the abdominal wheel is similar to his disc design, and the
overall thin frame is like that of his cinematic inspiration.
Battle Droid Mk. D2

Designed as a smaller manned tank, the Mk. D2 can be piloted
by a smaller framed driver. His is more of a utility model
then a combat weapon. The driver can access the vehicle from
an access hatch located on the top of the unit. He offers assistance
in the form of tools, fuel, and war supplies.
The model comes in a battleship gray which is meant to be a
combination of R2's classic white, blue, and silver color scheme.
The figure also has 2 sets of tank treads like the classic
2 legged droid, the various metal plates are evocative of R2's
numerous doors and the single cannon is meant to represent
R2's single eye.
General Ben Kenworthy
(Obi-Wan Kenobi)

A battle tested soldier and seasoned veteran of WWI. The General
is called back up to active duty to oversea a dangerous rescue
mission with ties from his past.
Designed to evoke a kind of General Patton feel, Kenworthy
is wearing combat fatigues and boots, along with a leather
bomber jacket and field helmet.
Simply as an act of a
completist Sillof also redesigned some of the figures that
had been Glorbes creations. Sillof said “I
loved the work that Glorbes did on the line, I just simply
needed to make versions of these figures so the set would be
Imperial Stormtrooper

The backbone of the secret order of the SS, the Todesstern,
was the Sturmsoldat, or Stormtrooper.
The figure comes in gray fatigues (the white just did not seem
logical in wartime) and the standard MP40 submachine gun and
a grenade canister on his back where the stormtroopers wore
thermal detonators.
Reichsführer Vater
(Darth Vader)

Reichsführer of a Einsatzgruppen, or special task force,
known as the Todesstern, he was tasked with the most high level
and important missions.
Vater, is German for father, just as Vader is Dutch for father,
a slight nod possibly to his later explained lineage. He comes
donned in traditional black leather, with a very sinister gas
mask, and the famous German flared helmet. This image was inspired
by Glorbes drawings with slight modifications by Sillof. The
figure now evokes a more menacing, hulking frame that hunches
over slightly.
Bodo Vett
(Boba Fett)

Bodo Vett was an SS Sonderkommandos, elite secret troops, whose
existence was so secret other high ranking members had no knowledge
of thier existence.
Bodo still has that classic gray and green color scheme. The
shovel is meant to evoke the profile of the rocket pack. His
gauntlet weapons are now a knife and flashlight. The gun is
similar in design to Fett's movie blaster. The armor is based
off of actual photos of real WWII combat armor. The helmet
is an original design that incorprates the flared look of the
other helmets with Fett's classic "T" visor.
Series I
Capt. Hank School
1st Lt. Chuck Backer
Corporal Lucas S. Walker
Imperial Motor Scout
Imperial Winter Trooper
