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Marvel Who? : Dead? Not Dead!

Marvel Who? : Dead? Not Dead!

The great thing about Marvel heroes is you just can't seem to keep them dead. And keeping track of their current status as dead or not dead can be a real project. Bad Black Cat Customs presents their latest line of figures: characters that you thought were six feet deep but were apparently just in the back on coffee break.

Captain (Steve) Rogers: Steve Rogers, recently thought dead by a sniper's bullet in the wake of the Civil War? Nope. Alive. Trapped in time. Replaced while wending his ways about his own history by his former partner, Bucky. Now back, in charge of Shield and just about everything else... and yet he's still a Captain...


Death Adder: Definitely dead. Shot by the Scourge of the Underworld. However, due to a lack of hired help in exterminating the Punisher, the Hood (with a little boosted magic mojo) resurrects the "Scourge" Victims and Death Adder is back on the scene...


Mantis: So... the celestial Madonna is though dead after hanging with the Silver Surfer for some time, but has only been "fragmented"... but wait: Then she's seemingly killed by the evil version of Adam Warlock, the Magus... but she wasn't dead....her soul had...er...just been imprisoned. Short answer: Not dead twice!


MoonDragon: The less than personable Moon Dragon was killed at one point as a Defender, but most recently, in her dragon form, was killed by Ultron during the "Annihilation Conquest" event. However, through a series of bizarre, psuedo death battles, Phila-vell is able to recover Moon Dragon from death...so...uh... NOT DEAD!


Eric Payne went crazy - but apparently never dead. Just MIA for a while....making me think he was dead. So... not dead!



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