DC Universe Challenge
This is a special project group entry. The challenge was to
show what you could do with characters from the DC Universe
and what figure you would like to see in future toylines:
Customs by HipsterDoofus aka Justin

GI Joe Hawkman: Sigma 6 Heavy Duty body, S6 Grandslam Head.
Helmet is a cast of Sigma Strike Duke's helmet, with Ninja
Armor Snake-eyes visor, with wings from S6 Spirit Ironknife's
bird and sculpted details. Gauntlets are from S6 Arctic
Duke. Belt is also from Sigma Strike Duke. Straps are rubber bands
with a hand-painted logo. Wings and mace-head are from DCD Alex
Ross Hawkman. Spear is from misc. Fist of the Northstar figure.

DCSH Deathstroke: DCSH Knightshadow Batman base with sculpted shoulders. ML
FO Capt. America lower arms, lower legs. ML Bullseye leg holster.
Chain mail is painted layered screen. Bandolier is from a dollar
store army figure. Sword from an Onimusha figure, shotgun
from a Matrix Morpheus figure.

made from

made from

made from
Customs by John Sabich from 37customs

He was made from a supes head and random male body, GL I think.
Cape is from a public enemies shazam just cut down and refitted.emblem
was electrical tape all else is paint and love.
Customs by Kevin Wahl
E-Mail address: themastercylinder64@yahoo.com
Custom Website: N/A
The character I chose- Ultra the Multi-Alien- replaced Adam
Strange in the "Mystery in Space" DC Comic back in
1951 and has recently made an appearance in the "animated-inspired" comic "Adventures
in the DC Universe" #5.

 Recipe: Base figure is a Marvel TNA Wrestling Figure:Alex Shelley. All
modifications were sculpted with Porcelain Clay, right leg is
coated with clear plastic yellow beads.
Customs by Scott McFarland
Email - mcfarland31@comcast.net

Here is my submission for the DC Universe Challenge. It is
a McGuinness style Brave New Metropolis Superman. It started
as a Captain Atom.
The "Superman" hair curl, belt buckle, gloves and boots
are sculpted with apoxie sculpt. The chest emblem and belt are
cut vinyl. He is painted with a combination of craft store acrylics
and Citadel Colour paints. He is sealed with both Dullcote and
Delta Ceramcoat gloss varnish.
Customs by Andy Rallis
Email -
This time up is a single entry, Doomsday, in a 6" scale.
Now this looks like the villian who could take down Superman!
He was made as a commission for my son, and is my first DC custom.

Recipe: He was made from a House of M Hulk, with feet from a
Maestro Hulk, with just the tip of the back,knee and elbow spikes contributed
from the DC Doomsday. He retains 36 points of articulation. The
key ingredient was the acrylic rocks I found in Michael's craft
store. These were cut to various sizes using wire snippers and
glued on. The paints were various shades of Testors flat
acryl paints. Milliput, craft lace, and some misc. fodder
round out the details.
Customs by Colin Mathura-Jeffree
6 inch size 1970s DC

Character CELSIUS
Made from an Electra Woman.
I wanted to keep her exootic BUT fair Indian skin tone as she
was seen in the 1970s before DC rebooted Doom Patrol and thought
that Indians from India were all very dark skinned. I thought
the original Celsius seen in Showcase 94/95/96 was very modern
and also beautiful like a Bollywood actree Aishwarya Rai. I used
industrial material tape painted for her skirt- as it allows
full movement. She is beautiful. I have a whole series of Celsius
figures. Im currently making the 1980s look....BUT I love her
1970s look best.

Made from Voodoo figure.
Had a really great fluid look- like
the Negative energy being. Her eyes sparkle silver. She goes
perfectly with CELSIUS.
ANIMATED DC super powers/4.5 inch
Faora Hu Ul
customised out of an SP Super Powers Wonder Woman dremelled
whole body. clay added to arms to give puffy sleeves.
Kingdom Come Ambassador Donna Troy
customised out of a Lois lane animated figure. Comes with a
pillar she can lift...and she stands holding it. She is cuddly-...This
was an awesome series.
made out of a Super Powers Wonder Woman. stands on Ice slide...always
more fun to have additions.
Has super action. Skin tone blended
to match Indian skin...and has blue eyes. Rare but not so uncommon
with people from India