Sillof's DUNE
Hitting shelves this winter will be a line of figures from
one of the most beloved novels in history, DUNE. Sillof
is back and this time he is taking a crack at redesigning the
universe of the science fiction classic DUNE by Frank Herbert. Sillof
has painstakingly re-visioned each character using only his
imagination and the descriptions found in the classic 1965 novel
and ignoring the look and inaccuracies of the video games, role-playing & card
games, film and television mini series adaptations as well as
the newer novels.
The entire Atreides family is here. Each character was
designed to have a similar look and feel without being completely

Duke Leto Atreides, head of House Atreides
Description from Novel:
“The Duke was tall, olive-skinned. His thin face
held harsh angles warmed only by deep gray eyes.”
“There was woodsmoke in the gray of his eyes, but
the face was predatory: thin, full of sharp angles and planes."
Duke Leto is the head of House Atreides from the planet Caladan. The
family has recently be transferred control of the planet Arrakis.
The color of house Atreides in the Novel is green and black
with red accents. The duke wears a jacket and a slightly
more formal military uniform. At his waist is the famous
Atreides Shield Belt and Family Dagger. On his finger
the Atreides Ducal Signet Ring. On his shoulder the silver
pauldron emblazoned with the Atreides family crest, the hawk.

Lady Jessica
Description from Novel:
“The face was oval under a cap of hair the color
of polished bronze. Her eyes were set wide, as green and clear
as the morning skies of Caladan. The nose was small, the mouth
wide and generous. Her figure was good but scant: tall and
with its curves gone to slimness."
Lady Jessica is sister of the Bene Gesserit order who is the
royal concubine of Duke Leto and gave Duke Leto a son, Paul,
against her orders from the sisterhood. Lady Jessica design
is full of understated clues about her origin. From the
color of her dress (black/Bene Gesserit), to the Atreides red
amorial hawk on her gown, to the color of her hair up to her
regal stance.

Paul Atreides
Description from Novel:
“face oval like Jessica's, but strong bones . .
. hair: the Duke's black-black but with browline of the maternal
grandfather who cannot be named, and that thin, disdainful
nose; shape of directly staring green eyes”
Paul Atreides is the Duke’s only surviving son and the
ducal heir to House Atreides. He is the central figure
of the Dune novel. Paul is but a mere boy when the novel
starts. He is dressed in a more formal suit in the colors
of house Atreides, like his father, with the royal shoulder
pauldrons of House Atreides & the shield belt. His
face is a subtle mix of Lady Jessica and Duke Leto.

Thufir Hawat
Description from Novel:
“His left leg was injured in those years.”
“[his eyes where] two pools of alertness in a dark
and deeply seamed face."
“[his age] showed in the rheumy shine of the brow
and eyes, in the cheeks racked and burned by exotic weathers,
in the rounded curve of the shoulders and the thin set of his
lips with the cranberry-colored stain of sapho juice."
Thufir Hawat is a mentat ( human strategic computer) and the Master
of Assassins to House Atreides. He advises the Duke and
oversees training of the Duke’s son, Paul. Thufir
is an old man, who has served the duke well. Thufir comes
with the red stained lips from the sapho juice that gives his
kind their mental powers. He is dressed in the uniform
of a non-military officer of House Atreides. At his waist
the shield belt of House Atreides & on his shoulders are
the silver pauldrons of a non-royal member of the House. Thufir
also comes with a cane to support his bad let.

Gurney Halleck
Description from Novel:
“the ugly lump of a man, noting the glass-splinter
eyes with their gleam of savage understanding. Halleck's wispy
blond hair trailed across barren spots on his head. His wide
mouth was twisted into a pleasant sneer, and the scar of the
inkvine whip slashed across his jawline seemed to move with
a life of its own. His whole air was of casual, shoulder-set
Gurney is a loyal soldier and leader of the House Atreides
army. His a valorous troubadour warrior who has
served the Duke well and oversees much of Paul’s physical
training. Gurney is dressed in the uniform of Atreides
Military with the shoulder pauldrons of a non-royal member of
the house and a shield belt. He holds at his side his
prized instrument, the 9 stringed baliset.

Duncan Idaho, Sword Master for House Atreides
Description from Novel:
stood Duncan Idaho in
“[there stood Duncan in]
glittering dress uniform, flat face unreadable, the curling
black hair neatly combed.”
Duncan is a Ginaz Sword Master who serves House Atreides. He
is sent to be the ambassador to Arrakis between the Atreides
and Freman. He is dressed in the uniform of Atreides Military
with the shoulder pauldrons of a non-royal member of the house
and a shield belt. He wears shoulder armor and a shield
and carries the sword of a Ginaz master.

Dr. Wellington Yueh, Suk doctor for the Atreides
Description from Novel:
“stick figure standing several paces away, took
in at a glance the wrinkled black clothing, the square block
of a head with purple lips and drooping mustache, the diamond
tattoo of Imperial Conditioning on his forehead, the long black
hair caught in the Suk School 's silver ring at the left shoulder”
Dr. Yueh is a Suk Doctor who serves house Atreides. He
bares the symbol of imperial conditioning which means he is
unable to take a life and can thus be trusted immensely. He
is dressed in the uniform of a non-military officer of House
Atreides. At his waist the shield belt of House Atreides & on
his shoulders are the silver pauldrons of a non-royal member
of the House. Dr. Yueh comes with various medical instruments