by |
Mister Sinister, the Toyman, DC
South aka Josey Wales, Bizarro#1returns, and MaximumJLA |
e-mail |
mwendler83@charter.net |
Address |
this entry is a collaboration by the member of the doooshbagboardofdumbness
(the doosh).
Figures by Mister Sinister, the Toyman, DC South aka Josey
Wales, Bizarro#1returns, and MaximumJLA
Words by: Palinore and Max.
logo: mirthquake
figure #1: Green Lantern John Stewart by DC South

Recipe : Body- Havok, with hole drilled in back for flight
Gloves & boots-Sentry
Head- Final Fantasy Ryan Whittaker
Figure# 2: The Atom

recipe: body iron Fist, head captain america
Figure# 3: Hawkman by Max

recipe: body X3 movie angel, head - FF movie Mister Fantastic,
dcd silver age hawkman, harness - yellow plastic stencil,
mister sinister cape
Figure #4 Hawkwoman by Max

recipe: body FF movie Sue Storm (jessica alba), kneadatite
top, wings - x3 movie angel
Figure# 5 Sargon the sorcerer by Biz

recipe: body professoe X, turbin - sculpted