Marvel Legends Wave -1: Avengers Assemble!
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Luke Thompson
whizkidtoys on the Delphi customizer's
and Magic 8 Ball on TNI.
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Black Knight was a Gambit with a Batman
head. His belt was made from a He-Man harness, the breastplate
and shoulderpads came from a Tarzan figure and the Falcon (from
the Avengers cartoon line). I honestly have no clue where that
Sword began it's life. The Atomic Steed is from Taskmaster. He's
not really on-model so much as an 'artist interpretation.'
Here is Black Knight cruising on
his ride.

Hellcat was a SOTA Street Fighter Cammy, with hands and feet
from Tigra (from the Avengers cartoon line). Her Sash is from
an Orko figure, and her head is from Legends of the Dark Knight
Batgirl. This costume is based on her miniseries, and IMO looks
a lot better than the yellow suit she normally wears (not to
mention that it required a lot less work with yellow paint!).

Machine Man was a Mr Fantastic body, with head, hands, and
feet from a Daredevil. The limb extentions are from a Doctor
Octopus. The belt is the seat belt from the Atomic Steed the
Black Knight is riding around on. He'll probably get a ticket
for that eventually.
Extendable limbs? But of course!

Thunderstrike is a Thor, with a head from a DC Direct
New Frontier Green Lantern. The ponytail is from a Mask figure,
I think (I ripped it off an old custom), and the kneepads are
from 5" Sabretooth figure.
The vest is from an X-Men Evolution Sabretooth, and the mace
is cobbled together from a few different parts, and has a head
made of Sculpey.

US Agent is a Bullseye head, the ML Face-Offs Captain America
torso and belt, and SOTA Street Fighter Guile legs. The shield
is actually two butchered He-Man sheilds covered in duct tape,
glued together, and painted- no joke. The gun is from an old
McFarlane Shadowhawk figure, and the truncheon is from X-Cutioner,
with the handle from one of the massacred He-Man shields. I
spent a lot of time on this one, if for no other reason than
to make sure that he looked like a Cap spinoff, but not a cap
I left the 'A' off his forehead on purpose to help with this
effect. It should also be noted that I ground down the Bullseye
nose- I wanted this guy to look like he'd been in a few fights
and broken it more times than he could remember.
Mr Hyde is a Mr. Fixit with the ML1 Hulk head. Easy, but I
think it's rather effective.

Dreadknight is a Taskmaster, with 'ears' from the 5" Dreadknight
figure. The tunic is cobbled togther from verious parts. The
cape is from the first Mattel Superman figure, the Lance is
a nightstick from the parts box, with Skeletor's staff on the
end. The gun orignally belonged to Taskmaster too.

Hellhorse is a Horse from the Ronin Warriors, with a tail,
wings, face, and feet from a Ultima Online Dragon. The spikes
that form his mane were choped off the Dargon and several other
junked figures and randomly glued into place.
