Fairy Tales
A Custom Action Figure Project
By Bruce Ross and Joshua Izzo
McFarlane Toys is pleased to announce that Action Figure customizers
and I.P. Inventors Bruce Ross and Joshua Izzo have been contracted
to re-imagine and recreate the ‘Twisted Fairy Tales’ brand
for the action figure and collectible company.
The first series of Fairy Tales figures released by McFarlane
in 2005 was an interesting, though fatally flawed, idea that
was executed in a gory and exploitative manner. Joshua
Izzo and Bruce Ross have worked closely with the McFarlane design
team to capture not only the McFarlane ‘style’ with
these new figures, but to try and reign in the horror factor.
Borrowing from the original fairy tale source material and
occasionally turning the original tales on their ears, the team
of Ross and Izzo has once more captured lightning in a bottle
with their renditions of the classic tales of Little Red Riding
Hood, Sleeping Beauty and the Little Mermaid.
This first offering of 6 -7” Fairy Tale figures will
include The Little Mermaid, Little Red Riding Hood, The Big
Bad Wolf and Sleeping Beauty. Each figure will come with
story-specific accessories, detailed bases (Red Riding Hood & Big
Bad Wolf not shown) and an illustrated story depicting the tale
itself. These will be hitting stores in spring of 2008.
The Little Mermaid —
Custom by Joshua Izzo
The Little Mermaid has been re-imagined as a proud and noble
queen before her romantic tryst begins. No longer a wistful
and lovesick girl, the Little Mermaid now courses through the
deepest regions of the sea surveying her kingdom.
The classic tale is woven to turn our heroine into the sweetest
of sirens as her Prince is lured by her sultry song into the
depths of the sea. It is with the greatest of love that
the Prince gives up his legs and his kingdom to forever live
beneath the dark and cold waves with the majestic Mermaid Queen.
The intricately sculpted figure includes a trident and a detailed
underwater base that allows the figure to ‘hover’ as
if swimming.
Little Red Riding Hood —
Custom by Bruce Ross
Little Red Riding Hood is a young woman who is resourceful
and able to wield a deadly blade to fend off the bloodthirsty
denizens that stand between her and her ailing grandmother
deep in the forest.

The tale of Red Riding Hood has been told and re-told numerous
times and with many variations. The version told for this
line revolves around the young Red Riding Hood. Outcast from
society for expressing free thought and challenging authority,
she must take it upon herself to enter the dark woods alone
to aid her ailing grandmother. Within the forest she must
face not only the threat of wild beasts, but also the prejudiced
mob of humans that hunt her as a witch. She is forced
to flee from the path into the woods to avoid them, and thusly
faces the menace of the Wolf. Only her courage, strength
of character, and the keen edge of her blade may guide her through
this treacherous journey to help her beloved grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood comes with a cloth cloak and skirt,
sword and scabbard, and a forest base.
The Big Bad Wolf —
Custom by Bruce Ross
A great man-beast, the Big Bad Wolf is a hulking lycanthrope
that stalks the great forest in search of prey. While
possessing the faculties of man, Wolf is very much a vicious
beast that has been additionally armed with charm and reason.

His past shrouded in mystery, the Big Bad Wolf is a legend
of the forest. No one knows if he was once a man, transformed
by the bite of a werewolf. Or perhaps he is some perversion
of nature, conjured from the genetics of man and beast from
conception to grow into the hulking, intelligent, but wholly
beastly monster that stalks the woods. His great size,
and even his faculties of reason suggest that the young Red
Riding Hood should be easy prey. She is small, and at
an age where she is impressionable and could be easily fooled. But,
in much the same way that he is a monster, an outcast banished
to the forest, she too is forced to flee from those that fear
her. Perhaps there is some small part of the great beast
that sees kinship with the girl…but his belly is empty,
so he knows what must happen in the end. Or so he thinks.
The Big Bad Wolf is fully articulated, and comes with a forest
base that connects with Red Riding Hood’s base to form
a larger diorama.
Sleeping Beauty —
Custom by Joshua Izzo
As like the Little Mermaid, the classic tale of Sleeping Beauty
has been re-imagined to turn the damsel in distress into the
hero of the story. This retelling of Sleeping Beauty
finds a powerful and noble Princess primed for battle and ready
to fight her way through all evils and enchantments to rescue
her love.
Armed with glistening and enchanted armor and magic weapons,
the forthright Princess battles her way through a bleak forest
to finally destroy the wicked witch that has enslaved her kingdom
under a spell of eternal slumber and plant the kiss of waking
on the lips of her betrothed.

This all-new Sleeping Beauty action figure is accompanied by
a detailed base that showcases a handsome Prince held captive
in a deep somnambulistic spell, awaiting the kiss of his one
true love to break the curse.