Green Lantern Corps: Series 2
by |
Jeffrey T. Zverloff |
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Alfven Bura is the Green Lantern from the planet Baranova
in Sector 2355.2.
He was made from a Tomar Re Green Lantern body with a head
and neck swap from
a Star Wars Sora Bulo Jedi Knight figure.

Shan Genet is the Green Lantern from
the planet Andor in Sector 1302.1
He was made from a John Stewart Green Lantern body with a
head from an Andorian
Star Trek action figure.

Basov Gorgas is the Green Lantern
from the planet Mareth in Sector 3508.2.
He was made from a Tomar Re Green Lantern body. His head is
from a new version
of Star Wars Bosk action figure. His tail is from a Justice
League Unlimited
copperhead action figure.

Marcuse is the Green Lantern from
the planet Sato in Sector 1262.1.
He was made with a John Stewart Green Lantern body with a
head swap from a Toy
Biz Iron Man Series’ Grey Gargoyle.

Jeritza is the Green Lantern from
the planet Loti in Sector 989.2.
He was made with a Kilawog Green Lantern Body with a head
and neck from a Star
Wars Ambassador figure.

Zizka is the Green Lantern from the
planet Euxina in Sector 1130.2.
He was made from a John Stewart Green Lantern body with a
head and neck from
a Star Wars Ambassador figure. His hands are from a new version
of Star Wars
Greedo figure. I cut of the hands of the Green Lantern body
and drilled out the
wrists so that the Greedo’s hands can rotate. I made the
power ring out of body