Marvel Legends: Heavy Hitters
Marvel Legends: Heavy Hitters
***All the these figures come with 1 part to the Build a
figure (BAF)***

This figure comes with the right arm to the BAF.

This figure comes with the right leg to the

King Hyperion
This figure comes with the head and shoulders of the BAF.
Iron Man
This figure comes with the waist section of the BAF.

Power Princess
NOTE: "this figure is still only a PROTOTYPE". There will
be a Variant "helmet less" version
as well. Both versions will contain the same BAF part,
the left leg.
She is the largest single/non BAF to be packaged into a wave. The figure
will need to be assembled at the waste (similar to some Mcfarlane sports figures). The
Variant for Stature with be her at regular height (about 5 scale). Both
versions will come with the same BAF part, the left arm.
The Build a figure is Goliath-from the Masters Of Evil.