Star Wars Expanded Universe
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Jerry Christensen |
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Darth Bane
Darth Bane- Made from Darth Vader body and a
random head from the 90’s Xmen line with a ton of Apoxie
Darth Kryat
Darth Kryat- Made from Prince Xizor figure with
lots of sanding and Apoxie Sculpt
Darth Malak
Darth Malak- Made from some four armed star
wars figure, arms from a Death Star Gunner & tons of Apoxie
Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus- Made from Ep II count Dooku
body & lots of Apoxie Sculpt with various material for the
Darth Revan
Darth Revan- Made from Han Solo in Carbonite
body, Clone Trooper Hands & of course, tons of Apoxie Sculpt
Darth Talon
Darth Talon- Made from Aayla Secura body,
sculpted body armor and a lot of sanding
Jania Solo
Jaina Solo- Made from Ewok Leia hair, Padme
head and Adi Galia body with Leia arms.
Mara Jade
Mara Jade- Made from Aayla Secura body with
sanding and a lot of Apoxie Sculpt with a GI Joe head
Visas Marr
Visas Marr- Made from Adi Galia Body with
Apoxie Sculpt for the head.