Justice League of America (Wave 2)
by |
Swass! |
e-mail |
swass@swassdesign.com |

Red Tornado: McG Batman,
original eyes and nose sculpt, DCD Red Tornado gloves & collar,
Marvel Legends 3 Thor cape, painted details

Green Lantern: McG Captain
Atom w/sculpted mask, chest emblem created in Fireworks and
printed on inkjet decal paper

Captain Atom : Repainted
Captain Atom airbrushed with real chrome paint. I wanted
to get closer shots to show that the paint is actually reflective,
but I didn't have the lighting/photographic capabilities. New
chest emblem created in Fireworks.

Firestorm: McG Captain Atom,
Marvel Legends 3 Ghost Rider flames for the fire-head effect,
Magic Sculp puffy cuffs, vinyl boot details, flat plastic cording
for torso emblem lines |