by |
Al Lew |
e-mail |
alsactionfigures@earthlink.net |
Address |
Awesome Android - Original X-Men Beast legs, body and arms
came from an accessory figure from an Everquest Dark Elf Magician
figure. Milliput for shorts and head.

Nova - this is a X-Men Phoenix with light-up-hair attached to a DC Direct
Starfire base. I glued bits of translucent orange "flame" plastic
to her head to complete the look.

Puppetmaster - uses a Spawn Twitch body, kneadatite gloves and scrap leather
apron. Head was sculpted from sculptey clay. Thing puppet
came from the Marvel Legends Masterworks Fantastic Four diorama, string and
scrap plastic.

Red Ghost - a Superman Returns Lex Luthor base, milliput for his hair, cotton
for his parka hood lining. The orangutan was made
by Schliech, the gorilla by Papo Toys and the baboon was cut
from a mother and baby baboon figure made by Safari and glued
to the Red Ghost