by |
Kevin Wahl |
e-mail |
themastercylinder64@yahoo.com |
NOTE: I owe a huge debt of THANKS to action figure gurus
Andy Ascough and Bruce Ross. This was my first ever attempt
at customizing 6” figures and both were enormously generous
in their support, help, advice, and friendship- thanks guys!!

Tony the Tiger-
Base Figure: Stan Winston’s Realm of the Claw series “Nakuru”,
all armor and costuming removed with dremel and replaced
with fur formed from Sculpey.
Details: Whiskers made from sewing straight pins, neckerchief
made from Crayola Modeling Compound

Cap’n Crunch-
Base Figure: Torso made from NECA’s Pirates of the Caribbean Captain
Barbosa, lower body made from Art Asylum’s “Trials and Tribble-ations” Star
Trek Deep Space 9 Capt. Benjamin Sisko figure.
Details: Hat, epaulets and collar made from Crayola Modeling Compound. Belt made
from a rubber band w/ buckle from bike chain link. Boot cuffs made from
Barbosa’s jacket sleeves.

Sugar Bear-
Base Figure: Toy Biz Amazing Spider-Man Howling Man-Wolf. Head and ears
plus lower legs sculpted over with Sculpey.
Details: Sweater made from Crayola Modeling Compound.

Count Chocula-
Base Figure: Torso made from Mezco’s Silent Screamers Nosferatu with
hair added and jacket modifications made with Sculpey. Lower body made
from Diamond Select Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Bad Girls Wesley”.
Details: Cape made from Crayola Modeling Compound.

Franken- Berry-
Base Figure: NECA’s Sin City Manute with costume modified with dremel
and head modifications sculpted with Sculpey.
Details: Suspenders made from Bike Chain. Head attachments made from Crayola
modeling compound, craft foam, card stock and wire. Earpieces made from
craft foam and map pins. Eyepieces made from metal jewelry chain links.

Boo- Berry -
Base Figure: Torso of Diamond Select Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Bad Girls
Wesley” sculpted over with layered Crayola Modeling Compound.
Details: Hat made from Crayola Modeling Compound, Glow-In-The-Dark finish comes
from G-I-T-D Paint. Base made from office memo holder. |