by |
Matt Hancock
Clark Kent Customs |
e-mail |
matthewperryhancock@hotmail.com |
Address |
www.xanga.com/Clark_Kent_Customs |
Crusades Darkseid
Crusades Darkseid (movie Hulk figure, leather tunic and belt,
rubber for belt, cloth hood)
Crusades Bizzaro
Crusades Bizarro (DC Superheroes Bizarro, leather cape wrap,
repainted body, cloth leg wrappings, ink for tattoos)
Crusades Superman
Crusades Superman (DC Superheroes Superman figure - leather
and sculpting with Aves Apoxie Sculpt)
Crusades Green Lantern
Crusades Green Lantern; John Stewart (TNA Elix Skipper figure,
lots of leather work, sculpted power ring, repainted body)
Crusades Batman
Crusades Batman (Mattel Zipline Batman - leather, sculpting,
and cloth)
Detail: Batman's Boots
Revolutionary Clark Kent
Revolution Clark Kent (DC Superheroes Superman figure - lots
of sculpting of the hair, lots of leather work, vinyl eyepiece,
leather bag)
Revolutionary Superman
Revolution Superman (DC Superheroes Superman
figure - leather ) |