
About CustomCon
CustomCon is a fictional toy show showcasing the work of several
customizers. You will not find these toys in your local toy store. |

by |
Lars |
e-mail |
lawrencesnelly@sbcglobal.net |
Address |
??? |
Recipes :
[ Part 2 ]
Captain Atom, Green Lantern: Hal Jordan, Livewire
CAPTAIN ATOM: JLU Superman smoothed out with
GREEN LANTERN HAL JORDAN: JLU Green Lantern body w/ sculpted
gloves and boots. Mystery head?
LIVEWIRE: JL Hawkgirl body with Microman hands and BTAS Harley
Quinn head. Sculpted hair.
JSA Hawkgirl, Cheetah, Firefly
JSA HAWKGIRL: JLU Hawkgirl with sculpted boots,
torso and back of helmet. Vinyl strap armbands w/JL Silver
Storm Hawkgirl base.
CHEETAH: Mattel Catwoman w/ sculpted head/feet & rubber
FIREFLY: Mattel Two-Face with sculpted helmet, gloves and
boots w/ cut vinyl belt and straps, found jetpack.
Steel, Shining Knight, Golden Age Flash
STEEL: JLU Red Tornado body w/sculpted armor
and Superman cape.
SHINING KNIGHT: JLU Superman with sculpted helmet and tunic.
GOLDEN AGE FLASH: Animated Superman with sculpted boots and
Black Canary, Atom, Elongated Man
BLACK CANARY: JLU Hawkgirl with Talia head,
found jacket and sculpted boots and cuffs.
THE ATOM: JLU Flash with vinyl belt and custom decals.
ELONGATED MAN: Kenner Creeper body with Ghostbuster head
and sculpted neck.
Gypsy, JSA Hawkman, Firestorm
GYPSY: Disney Hunchback "Esmirelda" figure
with recut legs and new paint.
JSA HAWKMAN: JL Superman body w/ Pocket Heroes Hawkman mask,
vinyl straps and sculpted boots. Custom decal.
FIRESTORM: JLU Flash with vinyl belt & shoulder pads
and sculpted head & sleeves
All characters and logos are © and by their respective companies.