[ Part 2 ]
Thorin by Cin320:
Gimli: Body, Head
Gandalf: Hair
Rohan Soldier: Shoulder armor
Daredevil (movie ): Hands
Eowyn: leather chest plate
The sword was made from various parts such as King Theodens sword and
pieces from a Conan sword. The axe was also Conans. I believe the belt
came from another McFarlane Conan figure. The cloak was handmade and
the bottom of his tunic was modified using cloth from an Aragorn figure
and pieces from yet another McFarlane Conan figure. Everything else was
found in my parts box.
Elvenking by Cin320:
King Theoden (Possessed version) : Main Body
Gandalf: Boots, Staff
Namor: hands
Professor Xavier: Head, Doll hair glued down and a handmade wire circlet
Legolas: Cloth Cloak, belts
Elven Soldier: modified sword
Trouser socks were used for the robes and craft leaves were used as accents.
The silver broach was made from a silver leaf and wire found in my parts
box. The sword belt was also found in my parts box.