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CustomCon 13

About CustomCon

CustomCon is a fictional toy show showcasing the work of several customizers. You will not find these toys in your local toy store.




It seems the microscopic world of DC’s Pocket Heroes line just had its own BIG BANG! After nearly a year’s hiatus this line comes back full force. We’re going to be getting many new characters from throughout the DC Universe. From what we’ve been told they will be releasing previously done figures however they won’t be the focus of the line. This line will truly be all over the map in terms of heroes and villains. Perhaps they best news is they won’t be direct sales but mass market, keeping the price very low. They’ll only be $2 each! The packaging will be brand new and you can expect these figure to come out strong starting in January and run through most the year. But enough about this you just really want to know who will be in the line don’t you?
Series One will feature The Question, Earth-2 Superman, Brainwave, Deadman, Animalman, Powergirl, Snapper Carr, Elongatedman, the Riddler, and Hook-Handed Aquaman.

(left to right: Animalman, Question, Brainwave,Deadman, Earth-2 Superman, Aquman,  Powergirl, Snapper Carr, Riddler, Elongatedman).


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