Iceman is a member but what the hey! He is a modified
Iceman. I took the top part of his torso off and shaved off
a lot of that Black Spiderman body they had him in.
I then used some clear putty and placed both halves together
again. I then repainted the guy to look like the iceman from
X-factor. Hope it worked
Captain B was done with a ML Thor head modified to look
like cap Torso and upper arms are from a Sabertooth with the
bottom part coming from a WWE wrestler figure. The top part
of his legs are Sabertooth while the bottom part are from
a ML Thor.
Guardian is a Daredevil with ML Silver Surfer legs and ML
Punisher gloves. His head is from a Mattel Batman. Had better
pics since I repainted him but all I can find is this old
one. Had to airbrush the Snowbird custom I had next to it
since I junked it to make a better one. Dammit!