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CustomCon 13

About CustomCon

CustomCon is a fictional toy show showcasing the work of several customizers. You will not find these toys in your local toy store.




Villains United

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Recipes :

Red Skull
Baron Zemo

Red Skull: Ghost Rider head, arms, and torso. Magneto hands and punisher lower body. The coat is from the Marvel Select Punisher figure. Gone is the Nazi look, just a black leather bad-ass!
Baron Zemo was made from a body originally created to be yellow jacket.
Head: Spiderman with modified crown and neck
Arms: Dr Strange with Daredevil hands
Legs: Modified Daredevil
Torso waist up is Silver Surfer.
The fur and neck piece are kneadite add-ons.


The Fixer
Jack O’Lantern

Fixer: Head: Nightcrawler
Waist down is Daredevil as are the arms. The torso is spider-man with a lot of kneadite and trinkets from my bag of crap.

Jack O’lantern
Only have one book with this guy but I just love him.
Head is from the original toy. Body is a modified gambit with modified hands from a silver surfer. The belt is from Magneto with sculpted bombs on them. Legs are from Hawkeye with feet from a silver surfer. The Hover Pod of his is made from a Boromir shield and some other trinkets that I can’t place. There are magnets in the pod so he stays on it no matter what.


The Wizard
Count Nefaria

Head and gloves are from an ML Iron Man series 1. Body is Nightcrawler with modified ML Punisher boots.

Count Nafaria
Body and Legs are a ML Namor figure with a modified Kraven head. His arms were from ML series one Captain America. The cap is mad from magneto’s with his collar being made from a boot cuff from the T.Hawk toy from the Street Fighter line.


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