It Figures Customs helps DC to bring to life it's new Total
Justice New
Titans line. These pictures were taken by our spy inside
the headquarters of
DCD Direct.
They show prototypes of figures to be released. We apologize
for the
of the photos, but our mole had to risk life and limb to
obtain these
exclusive images.
Nightwing - Former Batman sidekick Robin the Boy Wonder has
grown up
Starfire) and become a hero in his own right.
Starfire- Nightwings love interest. Told you Robin has a grown
up !! 

Changeling- Provides all the laughs. Basic but great looking
due to
it's simplicity. 
Speedy- Every couple years this guy changes look and costume,
year he can be Confused Super Hero Man 
Aqualad- Got a wife and kid so I can't go out no more.  
Raven- Good thing Robin feel in love with Starfire and not
Raven. You
your father/ in law is tough when you start dating!! "Meet
my dad,
Demon AND
Conqueror of universes" ( no pressure )  
Jericho- meets Raven: " My dad will get along with your
dad. wanna go
Kid Flash - Every team needs a fast team member. 
Brother Blood - "I am so tough, forget the JLA I will
take on the
yes bring me the Teen, yes TEEN Titans and we will see how
tough I am" |