Among DC Direct's 2005 offerings on display was the upcoming
Extreme line by newcomer BPC Toys. The series
will feature a wide
variety of extreme characters and modern interpretations from
the DC
universe. BPC presented five figures from various waves, although
placement and full assortments were not revealed. 
First up was Ultra Superman, an original interpretation exclusive
this line. The exaggerated stature and build showcase the line's
of presenting the most extreme versions of DC's characters.

Next was The Flash. Although not based on a specific artist,
it is said
to be inspired by the debut of the modern costume from The
Flash #50.
Again, the sculpt features proportions that are complementary
to the
character. The Flash was the only figure to include a finished

In the villain category, The Joker was shown in a unique "prison
stripe" costume which, like the Superman figure, was created
for DC
Extreme. The removable gun was the only accessory shown.

Part of the stated concept is to include obscure characters
that fit
into the "edgy" style of the line. Representing this
category was The
Black Flash, described as the Grim Reaper for speedsters.
The final piece on show was Lupus, the werewolf character
featured on
the infamous cover of Superman #422 (circa 1986). It was
hinted that
the figure might be packaged with an alternate head and hands.
DC Extreme is expected to go on sale next Summer and will
distributed to most mainstream retailers. |